Pharaonic era

Succeeded Alexander the Macedonian in the defeat of the Persians in Asia Minor and conquered Egypt in 333 BC · m and the expulsion of the Persians, was crowned by Alexander himself king to the method of the Pharaohs and lay the foundation city of Alexandria and a pilgrimage to the Temple of Amun in Siwa Oasis, which had enjoyed an international reputation and wide at the time · Egypt under the Ptolemies · 333-30 BC, after the death of Alexander the grounds of "Ptolemy" - one of the commanders of Alexander the Great - the rule of the Ptolemies in Egypt, which lasted a year (333) · BC till 30 BC · M has been a strong state in the reign of the Ptolemaic kings first and then resolve the weakness as a result of the revolution against the Egyptians and the weakness of kings · Rome took advantage of such disputes to extend its influence on Egypt and the Ptolemies ruled the years BC · 03 m during the rule of Queen Cleopatra ·

The Egyptian Civilization under the Ptolemies: Built in Ptolemaic Alexandria, palaces, gardens, Alexandria became a center of civilization, where fame in the field of art and science, industry and trade as it was the first port in the Mediterranean thanks to the famous lighthouse, which the Greeks considered it one of the Seven Wonders ·

Alexandria was the Egyptian-Hellenic civilization was in a great: University of Alexandria, founded by the Ptolemies, to scholars of the University of Alexandria in a scientific facts about the Earth's rotation around the sun and the approximate circumference of the globe, and famous for the university to study medicine particularly anatomy and surgery and months, scientists at the University of Alexandria, "Euclid" A World of Engineering, and "Ptolemy" geographical and "Maniton" of the Egyptian ·

- Library of Alexandria and their cultural impact: The Ptolemies established in Alexandria a large library was considered the greatest library in the world contained more than half a million papyrus rolls, has ordered the Ptolemies to guide each visitor of scientists city a copy of his works, bringing the number of books the library more than 700 thousand Book ·

The Ptolemies showed respect for the Egyptian religion, offered sacrifices to Egyptian deities, and built temples like the Temple of Edfu, Dandara and Philae in Aswan, and the Ptolemies used to appear in official ceremonies in Pharaohs' apparel ·

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