Khan al-Khalili

Khan al-Khalili

A district of Old Cairo, which has a major tourist attraction for visitors to Cairo, Egypt in general, is characterized by shops in particular, and there are also shops and restaurants, is also characterized by abundant numbers of tourists and residents get used to them

khan elkhalily market

Famous places in Khan Khalili

al-Fishawy Cafe

Fishawy is the heart of the Khan. Located deep in the maze of narrow corridors that is the Khan, al-Fishawy can be a little difficult to find, in fact you may walk right by it without even noticing, but you have to do is ask. The café, noted for being the favorite hang out of Naguib Mahfouz, the Nobel Prize winning author who grew up on the streets of Islamic Cairo, is the quintessential Cairene café. Sitting just below the Mosque of Sayyidna al-Hussein Fishawy is a café seemingly carved out of wood into the façade of Khan el-Khalili

If the journey began in the Khan must have a look of the remaining (tasbil) overlooking the street or the warm, busy and beautiful fountains embellished with copper and the pools of
water that the thirsty and she told a passerby in the time it was

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